The American Justice Movement is a political movement made up of everyday Americans and public interest justice advocates working together to expand access to our courts. Legal fees are modern day poll taxes: when you can't afford to pay the fees, you can't access your rights. This is one of the fundamental civil rights injustices of our time. We're working together to fight back. Sign our pledge to become a member today.
The American Justice Movement empowers low-income and working class Americans to receive free legal advice from trained public interest justice advocates, so they can access their legal rights in civil and criminal law. This includes housing, domestic violence, veterans, disability, criminal record expungement, and consumer rights law. AJM's public interest justice advocates are professionals already on the frontlines serving the greater good. They're social workers, librarians, community organizers, union organizers, and nonprofit staff.
Unauthorized Practice of the Law Rules Promote Racial Injustice, Law 360Known as unauthorized practice of law, or UPL, rules, every state in America has policies that grant lawyers a monopoly on providing legal advice, prohibiting professionals who are not lawyers from providing meaningful legal assistance. These policies promote racial inequity and guarantee that black Americans don't have equal opportunities and equal rights under the law.
Working with Your Hands Tied Behind Your Back, National Center for Access to JusticeThe law does not belong to lawyers. It belongs to everyone in this country who needs the law’sprotection, who wants to use the law to improve their lives, or who finds themselves in courtagainst their will. Yet conversations about who should be allowed to use the law tend to haveonly lawyers in the room.